
© Gregory Colbert

“Pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy.”
– Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

How can I viably write about war
when it will only end in why
and what for and glum inertia 
for the striving third world 
children who’ll never know
what childhood means.

in the privileged first world
a sentimental Romeo plays the piano.
His only problem –
how to make inroads
with the citrus-perfumed
temptation waltzing his way. 

He wonders if
she’ll leave with him 
at midnight.

He is crestfallen
when she leaves
with his friend.

Ah well.  
First world problems.

© N Nazir 2022

Written for Sammi Scribbles Weekend Writing Prompt: Viable, 82 words, Shay’s Word Garden, where we are given inspiration with singer/songwriter Tom Waits (words used: sentimental, Romeo, piano, temptation, waltzing, midnight, crestfallen), The Sunday Muse (images as shown), Poets and Storytellers United theme: war and peace, and Ragtag Daily Prompt: Citrus

53 thoughts on “Perspective

  1. Rob Kistner

    Like the double perspective in this Sunra. “…children who’ll never know
    what childhood means” sadly, these children of which you write, are not only in the third world. They are anywhere innocence is denied or thwarted. Believe, I know… ✌🏼❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Rob, I understand and agree. I was referring to the many basics of life that many others take for granted that children caught in war or poverty can only dream of, like running water, basic shelter, books to read (a library or some access to education), etc.


  2. I can’t blame the pianist though–local is larger for almost everyone. I care more about a hungry cat on my front lawn than a war across the ocean. I think it’s less a matter of degree than of immediacy. In any event, I’m not much on what I “should” care about, or whether it’s first world or third world, though perspective is a good thing, certainly. As Bryndle sang, “the heart leads and we follow it blind.” Try some Rachmaninoff, mister piano guy. It’s like catnip. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your poem to me is all about perspective, perception, appearance and reality. Inside in some far cavity of the heart, Romeo or Juliet is always there, and so seldom allowed to be seen, with our fears playing Capulet and Montague–easier to play a refrain and dream, and perhaps those in the midst of war and struggle need the dream even more than we do. Beautiful, evocative piece of writing, Sunra. My pleasure to be reading it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Joy ❤ I'm delighted you enjoyed it. And thank you for sharing your beautiful insights with me, you are so right. Sometimes dreaming is the only escape, but also the opening of the chink of escape for we must visualise to manifest ❤


  4. I so look forward to reading anything you post. You are so gifted.

    I always tell my kids that a book must speak well from its spine, covers, and first page for me to take it home. Based only on title and storyline, I could have regrets. But if the writing style grabs me, the subject doesn’t even matter.

    All that is to say, I would be completely enthralled by absolutely anything you might write about. Your voice instantly stills me and steals my complete attention. Not much can do that in this world.

    Thank you for existing and expressing yourself the way you do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, Shawna! I’m so honoured to read this, truly. Your words go straight to my heart ❤ I always feel my writes need improvement but I try and share them anyway, so it makes it utterly worthwhile that you totally "get" what I'm writing. Thanks so much for your continual support and deeply kind and generous words ❤


      1. I think your poems are perfection—they feed me exactly what I want to eat.

        This is so flipping good:
        “how to make inroads
        with the citrus-perfumed
        temptation waltzing his way”
        I mean, how many millions of ways has this concept been written? But this one, this one is the one I want to read. And that’s the thing about poetry—it gives you just enough to make you lean forward, begging for the full story that you just can’t have—only a taste, that’s what a poet is willing to lay out, not a meal, a morsel that makes you crave more.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, just wonderful, Shawna, the way you describe what poetry does! You’re so right. I am still honoured to have you enjoy my work. I would also love to read your work some time. Please feel free to share links on here any time 🙂


  5. You hit the nail on the head, Sunra: what a vast gulf in human experience there is depending on circumstance and place, mountains and molehills, and finally this brilliant phrase, “glum inertia” describing the inadequacy of language and thought and action.

    Liked by 1 person

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