Constellations in Mandarin

Photo by Vlad Cheu021ban on

The wind feels like peace hiding inside a cave.
Fire idles, stilling, while a dream stumbles forth
in a slant of sage.  Its healing smoke, a wave
of vision, rescooping itself from dust and morning.
The earth is a semblance of all things brave
still-turning, ever-burning.  And 9 is Jupiter
turned on its head, abundant, as if to pave
the way ahead, bowing on one knee, facing north
while a peace of wind echoes like a song you crave.

© N Nazir 2024

*Written for dVerse, hosted by Grace who challenges us to write a magic 9 poem, i.e. a poem of 9 lines, with meter and line length at the discretion of the poet, using rhyme scheme a b a c a d a b a (c and d are unrhymed).

*I recently did a poetry workshop where we were inspired to write whatever came to mind using Chinese characters. I adapted one of these free writes to the magic 9 poem. It felt serendipitous as I had mentioned 9 in the original write so it already seemed in harmony with this form🌟

51 thoughts on “Constellations in Mandarin

    1. Thank you, Gillena! 💕 You know, I’ve tried to comment on your blog a few times but it won’t let me! Apologies for that, not sure how to get round it. But I also enjoy reading your work.


  1. I love the title, Sunra, which already lends so much colour to your Magic 9, and sets it up for the fire. I especially love the idea of ‘peace hiding inside a cave’, and the dream stumbling ‘in a slant of sage’.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful flow, Sunra, to this mystic/cosmic write. I love “And 9 is Jupiter
    turned on its head, abundant, as if to pave
    the way ahead, bowing on one knee, facing north
    while a peace of wind echoes like a song you crave.”
    Serendipitous indeed. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Punam, thanks so much for your lovely comment ❤️ It is a curious image, isn’t it? Chinese characters are so pictorial, I’m always affected by ekphrasis, so it came to mind as I was writing. So glad you found it mystic/cosmic 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I was so drawn into the swirl of your words, a wind in themselves, yes, “a peace of wind echoes like a song you crave.” What a lovely Magic 9, Sunra! (Jupiter…”bowing on one knee”—Fantastic.) 👍

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