It is Writ

Horoscope of Prince Iskander, by the Royal Kitabkhana Workshop of Persia (Persia) 1411

in the holy scriptures that visionary spectrum calls forth your subterranean self, asks you to transcend what you know, to melt, to cradle your wholeness against the solace of seraphic sky.  

You glide through the Platonic realm, where you were first conceived, as spark, as aleph, as bay, as Piscean yin yang realisation back to ram of self discovery.  Summoned to begin again, you hang dot to dot in the ether of awakening. 

You floated away with your old soul fragmenting in your wake and now, now you have to grow a new soul, one you were coaxing abloom all along.  

It’s beautiful out here, in the cosmosis of all-knowing self, an undoing of all you knew.  It is the arrival of fourth sky plane, dream world caverns, a purging of consciousness, an arabica of joy.  

You are a puzzle of rapture calligraphed anew.  You always knew you belonged somehow, you just didn’t know how until now.  All this time, enlightenment was hiding in plane sight, if only you had peeked beyond the mayan skyscape at the edge of the woebegone world.  

You are the lone navigator of your new winged demeanour.  But you are not alone and that is a double joy, a multiplicity of realm and heaven.  What need do you have for the fetters of earth self any longer when you’re the cosmic ultramarine dream?  

Except it’s all the more real, hyper-real, than it’s ever been.  The perfect maths of things anchoring all chaos, not really chaos, but the finest celestial order.  The whole hangs as neatly as it always was and will never not be.  

At long last, you become we, become all, become one, a longing fulfilled and untangled in the multiverse of doors to dreams spun real from art fantasia.  Come now, let us cartwheel through the starscape of surrender, and dissolve deep into its alchemy soup.

© N Nazir 2024

*I’m always thankful to be published by The Ekphrastic Review. I’m glad to so often be inspired by the artwork they choose, to be able to decipher something from it and put it into words. I just love the artwork for this last one, it’s sublime. Thank you for dropping by and reading 🌟

*If you want to take part in the next Ekphrastic Review challenge, you can do so here, but do be aware that the deadline is tomorrow!

*Shared for dVerse Open Link Night.

42 thoughts on “It is Writ

  1. This is beautiful, Nina, and deserves publishing by the Ekphrastic Review. I haven’t submitted anything to them for a long time; maybe I should have a look at the images they are offering at the moment. I especially love the phrases ‘to melt, to cradle your wholeness against the solace of seraphic sky’ and ‘you are a puzzle of rapture calligraphed anew’. 

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It has been a long time since a poem made me tear up and I’m sure that wasn’t your intention here, but WOW. Your skillful articulation of something beyond what is seen and felt and the unique imagery were both captivating. However, it was the voice that seemed to speak to me directly, as if a message from beyond I truly needed to hear. Not sure, but this is a spectacular piece of prose poetry. Bravo!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Calling it ekphrasis halves the poem, but what an image to connect with … We are indeed “a puzzle of rapture calligraphed anew.” The prosaic structure suggests transcendence can indeed occur from deep within, as the poem lifts from prose.

    Liked by 1 person

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