I Met Carlos Castaneda in a Bar #NaPoWriMo

he was already drunk when he came in
or on something, probably 
those peyote buttons he tried one time.
He wanted to tell me stories 
while I served him up a pale ale 
and asked him what he was doing 
round these here parts.

Looking for an ally, he said
or power, or both.
Sounds fascinating, I said
thinking I better not 
serve him again after this one.  

He lit up a joint and I told him 
he couldn’t smoke in here
but he only blew me a smoke ring
and began telling me about the time 
he wrestled a giant moth the size of a tree.
It’s the shaman’s sign, he said
if a moth flies into you, scattering 
its gold dust upon your person.

Ah, I said, thinking, I hope dude’s not driving
but then he blew another smoke ring 
and a smaller one through that one 
and they turned into demons
fighting in mid-air
and I was kind of hypnotised.  

I noticed too
how his jade-green eyes
turned purple then dark.  Felt like
some kind of sorcery was going down.

What is this ally you’re looking for?
I asked, intrigued, despite myself.  
One that holds an answer to my riddle, he mused.
Problem is I don’t know what form it’ll take 
or if I’m in the right place 
but I followed the gold dust
and it led me to you.  

I laughed, thinking
that was a line I hadn’t heard before 
but he didn’t laugh with me
and asked instead when was the last time 
you saw the moon make love to the sun?

When was the last time 
you had a good night’s sleep, sir?

I didn’t want to play his game,
I had no time for riddles 
and it was nearly the end of my shift.  
Would you care for a midnight walk? he asked
as if he’d read my mind.  

Hackles risen, I merely smiled
then turned away to serve someone else
but when I returned he’d disappeared 
and a huge moth 
the size of my hand
fluttered into the air
and over my head
into the lamplight
spraying gold dust as it went.

© N Nazir 2024

NaPoWriMo Prompt 30: to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a character from myth or legend, as in  Claire Scott’s poem “Scheherazade at the Doctor’s Office.”

*Not sure I’ve followed the brief but this is what popped out of my brain this morning.

*Thank you for following my NaPoWriMo journey to the end, I appreciate it ❤️

41 thoughts on “I Met Carlos Castaneda in a Bar #NaPoWriMo

  1. To be sprayed with gold dust by a giant moth is the perfect way to end April! I haven’t read Castaneda but this was a fascinating conversation. I hope there’s a sequel! ( Long ago, I wrote a bunch of poems, a series called Monologues with a minor god… I must go find them now! )

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Rajani! I’m surprised you haven’t read him as you’ve read almost everything else! The CC series are pretty amazing. Perhaps I may write a sequel… ☺️

      Do share your monologues, they sound intriguing. I’d like to know which minor god it is.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no, did you?! I thought I hadn’t seen any posts from you for a while. But how will we follow your adventures now? I shall just email you personally, in that case ❤️ Do let me know if you have any writing news, publications, etc.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think it’s a natural stage of creativity, what I call the gathering-juice stage. Or because something else within you needs your attention. Either way resting is also doing, my friend.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. fireblossom32

    This is marvelous. The dialogue alone is stellar and reason enough to love it, but I love the entire thing. How did you come to choose Casteneda? I have not read him, so I don’t know if there is a connection with the moth or if you just came up with that on your own, but I love it either way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Shay. I don’t know why I chose Castaneda, this poem kind of came out whole this morning, which doesn’t happen often. I read his series a long time ago in my teens and it has always stuck with me. The moth appears to him in a vision, I believe, after he’s taken peyote. He didn’t wrestle with it though, the rest I made up. I’m shocked you haven’t read him! But I’m delighted you like the poem.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂 Thank you, Ashley! You know, I decided not to add an image or a song as I wanted to leave the poem up to the reader’s imagination this time. But if I did, I would have added either something from the band Ojos de Brujo or The Doors ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I understand, of course, I was just so taken by the last post! 🤗 Love your choice of bands! You have a broad view of the arts, which I love! 💓🤗🙋‍♂️

        Liked by 1 person

  3. this is magic !!! I’ve read it again and again, I was a huge fan of the Don Juan books when he was big, really big. This is so well done and on the strength of this alone, count me a subscriber 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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